Dr. Matt Zanis is a Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainer, Orthopedic Specialist, and a Strength & Conditioning Coach that currently works with the Olympic Shooting Team. He is essentially an Expert in Movement. In this episode, we use Matt’s knowledge to cover a variety of really amazing topics in body mechanics during shooting technique, body chemistry during those intense moments of pressure, and so much more! This is a great episode that you won’t want to miss!
Be sure to follow Dr. Matt on Social Media: @rootedinmvmnt
Make sure to follow us on other social media accounts!
Kayle Browning: @USABrowningK
David Radulovich: @DRadulovich
Beyond The Podium: @BeyondThePodium
All of the episodes are interesting. This one, episode 8, may well be the best. It has information which is explained in a great way that would help anyone. If you do have him at the lodge in the future please let me know.
Thanks John! We really enjoyed interviewing Dr. Matt! It’s a great medical perspective to our game and both of us learned a lot from the interview! We will definitely let you know when we plan on having him here for a clinic! Hope you’ve been well! Take care!