Upload A Video

Let us help you analyze your shooting videos!

  1. If you would like to have us analyze your video live on our stream, please fill out this form — you will then be redirected to our public Google Drive folder where you can upload your video!
  2. You must have a google account to sign into in order to upload a video.
  3. This will only work if you are on a computer — a mobile device will not work.
  4. Due to the large number of videos uploaded, we can’t guarantee that every video will be analyzed while on stream. Tipping or sending a donation will guarantee that we use your video! You can do all of that on the LIVE STREAM page above!

By filling out and submitting this form and giving your signature, you will be consenting to allowing us to use whatever video that you upload on our "Beyond The Podium Live Stream" for educational purposes. You are also acknowledging the fact that every person in the video that you upload has given explicit permission to you and us to allow Beyond The Podium to use their image and likeness for our Live Stream.